Justin Wood


Football season is just around the corner, and and you love football, Lawson is the place to be. In fact, we are the 2007 state champs! We always give the best game we can, and we usually play fair. And we always try to respect the other team.

About Me

I'm just a boy livin in a small town. But my family is a whole different story. One time about three years ago, my grandpa Bill had a billy goat named Billy. And one time when my mom, my dad, my brother,and I were all out there, my grandpa decided to give Billy some Beer. That dang goat drank all of it and was so drunk, it got its horns stuck in the ground trying to chase me. Those are my grandparents. My uncle Brian Has one eye and nine fingers. But he's funny as heck. My mom, oh my mom, she's probably the best mom ever. She's balanced between kindness, being there for others, DISIPLINE, and comedy. That's just my mom's side.


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