Justin Wood

This is my awesome picture gallery


This was me on the way to Colorado Springs in 2006. A nine hour drive and I had to entertain myself somehow. So I decided to put on my brothers sun glasses and make the Matt Hardy sign and decide to look cool. I look way different now though.


This is a picture I took of a giant bridge in Colorado called the Royal Gorge. I walked over it the first time, walked over it again, then rode a bus across, then got tired and rode the trolley down and that's when I took the picture.It was really intemedating at first, but then when I got on it, it wasn't scary at all. So it was really fun. The best part is when we rode the trolley up to the bridge. It was the best part because my mom, my dad, and my brother were all scared. That's funny because I was the only one that wasn't scared. And I'm the youngest. That's why it's funny.

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